
The Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

August 29, 2017 by Callie Wamsley

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Often when we think about our health, we can focus solely on how our bodies look and how we may be perceived. Healthy living is more than just about fitting into a size or achieving a certain shape, it’s about mental, physical and emotional health. Here are ways to improve whole, healthy living and the benefits that come from this important way of life.

Two necessities for a healthy lifestyle are to get regular exercise every day and to eat properly. At least 150 minutes of moderate activity is recommended per week. This could be anything from going to your local gym to yoga in your living room or just a walk around the neighborhood after dinner. It all counts as exercise and contributes toward helping you control weight. This regular exercise can also improve cardiovascular health, boost your immune system, and increase your energy level.

With increased energy, you can participate in more activities and not be held back by lethargy. Exercising also promotes healthy sleep patterns since when you’ve been physically and mentally active all day, your body is ready for sleep. Without sufficient sleep, you’re at a greater risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease, and it can also lower your life expectancy.

Eating properly can also boost your energy as well as improve your mood. Try to stick with whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, fruit, vegetables. This diet fuels your body better than fast food and sugary treats and can give you lasting energy.

If you are interested in learning more about health benefits please visit healthline. Looking for some recipe inspiration? Check out some of our favorite fish recipes as well as our favorite go to summer dishes

Photo courtesy of ACTIVEkids. 

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